The Corner

Filner’s Attorneys in Mediation

Attorneys for embattled San Diego Mayor Bob Filner were reportedly in mediation with Gloria Allred and San Diego city attorney Jan Goldsmith Monday morning.

According to one source, a retired federal judge is presiding and the mediation is designed to include a review of a potential resignation.

Filner has been deluged with women alleging the former congressman sexually harassed them. He has faced widespread calls for his resignation and is currently embroiled in two lawsuits, one from his former communications director Irene McCormack Jackson alleging sexual harassment and another from the city of San Diego seeking to recover costs incurred as a result of the first suit. He recently completed therapy for sexual harassment.

A rally supporting the Mayor began today at City Hall at noon Pacific time.

Meanwhile, the effort to recall Filner kicked off yesterday with a “Freedom from Filner” rally at City Hall, attracting approximately 250 people.

According to the “Recall Bob Filner” Facebook page, the number of recall volunteers as of yesterday stood at 1,100. They have their work cut out for them. Recalling Filner will require 102,000 valid signatures—15 percent of San Diego’s registered voters—by September 26 in order to get on the ballot. 

Via Hot Air.

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