The Corner

Politics & Policy

Fetterman Flips?

Then-Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman delivers remarks at a campaign stop in Philadelphia, Pa., November 7, 2022. (Hannah Beier/Reuters)

On today’s edition of The Editors, Rich and company discuss John Fetterman’s surprising stances on recent major topics. Jim weighs in with three key points about the senator’s seeming transformation.

“First of all,” Jim asked, “has anyone heard from Mrs. Fetterman lately? No, we have not.” Jim reminded listeners that Mrs. Fetterman “helped shape an image of Fetterman that perhaps was further to the left than Fetterman himself would have projected there.”

Jim’s second point focused on Fetterman’s Israel stance. “During the campaign, Dr. Oz says that he was a strong and true and loyal friend of Israel, and he hasn’t said jack squat since October 7.” This is vastly different from Fetterman, who put up posters of the Israeli hostages around his chamber door.

Finally, Jim brought attention to polling. “That Quinnipiac poll indicated that Fetterman’s drop amongst Democrats was . . . two or three points. The online Left would have you believe that the progressives in Pennsylvania are up in arms and outraged about the shift that Fetterman is taking.”

“Judging by these poll numbers,” Jim went on to say, “the vast majority of Democrats either haven’t noticed” or “are supportive of his position.”

The Editors podcast is recorded on Tuesdays and Fridays every week and is available wherever you listen to podcasts.

Sarah Schutte is the podcast manager for National Review and an associate editor for National Review magazine. Originally from Dayton, Ohio, she is a children's literature aficionado and Mendelssohn 4 enthusiast.
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