The Corner

Ferraro’s Flop

Geraldine Ferraro joined the sisterhood’s swoon over Hillary Clinton’s announcement predicting that HRC will motivate women to get involved in the race.  “There are those women out there who are going to say, this is about me, this is about my daughter.  When women vote, they tend to vote Democratic.”  Except, for example, in 1984 when they voted against the Mondale-Ferraro ticket.  Geraldine Ferraro was making history while women were making up their minds to back Reagan who carried women voters by a 56 to 44 percent margin.  He was pro-life and opposed the ERA.  Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, who backed abortion rights,  didn’t win a majority of women voters in either of her gubernatorial races.  There is no monolithic women’s vote and women voters don’t reliably support female candidates (see Myrna Blyth’s NRO article today on this). 

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