The Corner

Female Support for Obamacare Plummets

The latest CNN poll shows support for Obamacare plunging to 35 percent, with 62 percent opposing the law. But the numbers for males were stable; all of the new opponents appear to be females. 

“Opposition to Obamacare rose six points among women, from 54% in November to 60% now, while opinion of the new law remained virtually unchanged among men,” CNN polling director Keating Holland said. “That’s bad news for an administration that is reaching out to moms across the country in an effort to make Obamacare a success.”

Full results here. The numbers clearly show people now believe Obamacare will personally affect them for the worse. 

Sixty-three percent say they believe the new law will increase the amount of money they personally pay for medical care, which may not be a good sign for a law known as the “Affordable Care Act.”

The survey also indicates that 42% say they will be personally worse off under Obamacare, with 16% saying the law will help them, and four in 10 saying it will have no effect on them.

Just over six in 10 say they believe they will be able to receive care from the same doctors that they now use, with 35% saying they will not be able to see the same doctors.

President Obama is now on vacation in Hawaii for over two weeks. He may return to a Washington even more in revolt against a law he continues to claim is working, contrary to all of the available evidence.

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