The Corner

Feinstein & Abortion Continued

Here’s the relevant passage from yesterday:

It would be very difficult — and I said this to you privately and I said it publicly — for me to vote to confirm someone whom I knew would overturn Roe v. Wade, because I remember — and many of the young women here don’t — what it was like when abortion was illegal in America.

As a college student at Stanford, I watched the passing of the plate to collect money so a young woman could go to Tijuana for a back-alley abortion. I knew a young woman who killed herself because she was pregnant.

And in the 1960s, as a member of the California Women’s Board of Terms and Parole, when California had what was called the Indeterminate Sentencing Law, I actually sentenced women who committed abortions to prison terms.

And a reader writes:

The CA Supreme Court ruled abortion on demand as legal in 1969, 4 years before Roe v. Wade – via Planned Parenthood website

Feinstein did serve on CA women’s parole board as of 1960 via Project Vote website

Theoretically, prior to 1969, she could have been involved in parole hearings for abortion convictions, “prior” to Roe v. Wade, but her phrasing is, at best, disingenuous – implying that Roe v Wade legalized abortion in CA, which had been legal for 4 years prior to the decision.

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