The Corner


Faint Praise

My latest New York Post column contrasts the tepid New York Times endorsement of Kamala Harris to the paper’s endorsement of Joe Biden four years ago:

Talk about damning with faint praise. The New York Times editorial board endorsed Kamala Harris for president on Monday — but the real headline should have been “anybody but Donald Trump.” The Times editors spent 16 paragraphs talking about Trump, twice as many as discussed the candidate they were actually backing.

Consider what Harris has gotten done in her career, according to the Times: the endorsement doesn’t refer to a single accomplishment. We’re told only the jobs she has held and that she “has a long record of fighting to protect women’s health and reproductive freedom.” Nothing she’s actually done is mentioned. Even the discussion of her foreign policy just says what the Times hopes Harris will do, then turns to bashing Trump.

Contrast this to the paper’s 2020 endorsement of Biden, which never mentioned Trump’s name. That editorial listed laws Biden had authored, positions he had taken, and tasks he had handled as vice president. It praised his “unusually rich grasp of and experience in foreign policy.”

You can read the rest here.

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