The Corner

“Fabulously Wrongheaded Prediction”?

So says Salon about what I wrote on January 4, 2008:

“I think it’s worth imagining a certain scenario. Imagine  the Democrats do rally around Obama. Imagine the media invests as heavily in him as I think we all know they will if he’s the nominee — and then imagine he loses. I seriously think certain segments of American political life will become completely unhinged. I can imagine the fear of this social unraveling  actually aiding Obama enormously in 2008. Forget Hillary’s inevitability. Obama has a rendezvous with destiny, or so we will be told. And if he’s denied it, teeth shall be gnashed, clothes rent and prices paid.”

Not only do I stand by that, I know a significant number of liberals who’ve said pretty much the same thing to me personally (not to mention some of the nutjobs who wrote that there would be a race war if Obama lost). I stand by that entirely.

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