The Corner

Fab Four

The reason the MCain-Kennedy amnesty the Judiciary Committee is the opposite of what happened with the immigration bill in the House — there, the Republicans held together for enforcement, and Democrats split; in the Senate committee, the Democrats held together for amnesty, and the Republicans split.

The four Judiciary Committee Republicans who voted for the McCain-Kennedy amnesty: Amnesty Arlen (Specter), Amnesty Mike (DeWine), Amnesty Sam (Brownback), and Amnesty Lindsey (Graham).

The only good sign from yesterday’s committee approval of the amnesty is that only these four Republicans on the committee voted for it, with the majority of Republicans opposed. Sen. Frist had suggested earlier that if that happened he wouldn’t substitute McCain-Kennedy for his own bill, which includes enforcement measures as well as a doubling of “legal” immigration, but no amnesty. Though I assume he’ll weasel out of that committment.

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