The Corner


Exclusive: Perdue Campaign Highlights Progressive Calls for ‘Total Democratic Control’

In a new campaign ad released this morning, the campaign for Republican senator David Perdue highlights top Democratic leaders describing the Senate runoff elections in Georgia as an opportunity to take total control of Congress and change the country.

“Now we take Georgia, then we change America,” Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) says in a clip from the video.

“To make sure that we don’t have a Republican Senate majority, that we win these races in Georgia, that we secure a Democratic Senate majority so that we don’t have to negotiate,” adds Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a socialist from New York.

The video also includes quotes from two Georgia Democrats. Stacey Abrams, the failed 2018 gubernatorial candidate: “When we change Georgia, we change the south. We change the south, we change America. . . . The blue wave is comprised of those who are documented and undocumented.”

“Change has come to Georgia,” says Jon Ossoff, the Democrat running to unseat Perdue. “Change is coming to America.”

According to the most up-to-date reporting of vote counts out of Georgia, Republican incumbent Perdue finished a little less than two points ahead of Ossoff in the November 3 election, at 49.7 percent. Because neither candidate reached 50 percent of the vote, both will head to a runoff on January 5 — one of two Senate races in Georgia that will determine which party controls the next Senate.

“No negotiation. Total Democratic control. That’s their goal,” the ad’s narrator states, before highlighting several key progressive policy priorities such as defunding the police, enacting the Green New Deal, packing the Supreme Court, making the District of Columbia a state, raising taxes, and eliminating private health insurance.

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