The Corner

Politics & Policy

Evidence of Biden’s Sleaze Is Piling Up

Writing for the New York Post, the indefatigable James Bovard reflects on the growing mountain of evidence that Joe Biden has used his offices to obtain money for family members from foreign governments.

Here’s a slice:

Biden announced in June 2021, “The United States will lead by example” to “fight the scourge of corruption” and support “courageous citizens around the globe who are demanding honest, transparent governance.”

A White House statement promised to “crack down” on “illicit financing” that generates “pernicious foreign influence.”

Was there a secret asterisk exempting anyone named Biden?

Denouncing corruption is the easiest way for rascally politicians to appear honest.

Precisely so.

Perhaps America will finally figure out that Joe Biden is the sort of sleazy hack who will say anything to get elected and do anything to extract money in return for favors. And perhaps they will also learn that the only way to combat this kind of corruption is to limit government activities to those few powers actually given in the Constitution, which don’t include the ladling out of taxpayer money and the doing of favors for foreigners.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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