The Corner

Eternal Recurrence

The Irish seem determined to repeat in meticulous detail all the social-policy follies and blunders committed by British and American governments since the 1960s.

Here’s an AP report headlined Report finds evidence of ‘white flight’ from immigrants in northwest Dublin. You don’t say.

For American readers, here are translations of some of the Irish words and expressions.

rapid demographic changes—uncontrolled floods of immigrants, mostly illegal

a unique case study—i.e. in breaking eggs to make an omelette

a degree of strategic planning that until now has proved unattainable—massive social engineering

the government would consider its recommendations—the government would do diddley-squat, other than to hurl accusations of evil thought and motive against anyone who objects to the continued influx of, for example,…

asylum-seekers from Nigeria—illegal immigrants from Nigeria. “Asylum-seekers” is Euro-speak for “illegal immigrants.” Nigeria is a U.S.A.-style federal republic under democratic government (or as close as Africa gets). Conditions in some of the states are pretty dire, but “asylum-seekers” can always move to a different state.

recently constructed housing that Irish investors snapped up to rent—ready-made slums and ghettoes

Of course, I could be reading this all wrong. It may be that what Dubliners really object to in all these newcomers is that they’re—aaaaarrrrrgh!—Protestants.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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