The Corner

Eternal Plame

James Taranto provides a good summary of the latest developments in what he has long called the “Plame kerfuffle.” He writes that “this was a ‘Seinfeld’ scandal–an investigation about nothing.” He adds:

Of course, much as this seemed like a sitcom, it had consequences in real life. Because [then Deputy Secretary of State Richard] Armitage did not come clean right away, many people suffered:

    • Millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted investigating a nonexistent crime.
    • Innocent White House officials were distracted from serving the country in order to participate in the investigation, which was in full swing a year ago when Hurricane Katrina struck.
    • Scooter Libby lost his job and was indicted for actions that never would have occurred but for the investigation.
    • The Democratic left, putting its faith in scandal to bring down the Bush administration, became even more fatuous and ineffective.

The only winner in this whole deal is Joe Wilson’s ego–and think of the toll it’s taken on his poor little superego.

Those who tried to turn the Plame kerfuffle into Watergate threw around words like “treason” and “slander” (though, interestingly, not “godless”). Armitage appears to be guilty of nothing of the sort. But it does seem that he was careless with secret information, eager to cover his own backside, and heedless of the consequences his actions had for others.

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Clifford D. MayClifford D. May is an American journalist and editor. He is the president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a conservative policy institute created shortly after the 9/11 attacks, ...
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