The Corner

An Enthusiastic Welcome

Today Jonathan Martin, formerly of The Hotline, joins National Review Online as our political reporter. You’ve read him in the Washington Post, National Journal, The New Republic, and here on NRO.

The slot of “NRO political reporter” is a new one for us and I am very excited about the addition.

Jonathan’s a Virginian who comes to us from Arlington’s famous Yorktown High, which brought the world Katie Couric and Rich Lowry, too. He’s a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College, one of two remaining all-male schools left in America.  

Jonathan’s upfront about being clinically addicted to politics – and in a special way to “the ‘three d’s’ of campaigns and elections: data, demographics and districts.” And ’tis the season for such things, so this should be fun. [Martin: “When isn’t it the season for the d’s, K-Lo?”]

I’m delighted to welcome Jonathan to the team. Keep clicking on NRO for the latest political coverage — news and analysis — from Martin and the rest of us.

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