The Corner


Enter the WFB Essay Contest Today for a Chance to Be Published on NRO. The Deadline Is Almost Here

National Review Institute is accepting submissions for the William F. Buckley Jr. Essay Contest until Wednesday, July 31. To apply, you must be a university student who will be a sophomore or junior this fall. Details are here.

The winner gets to be published on, be featured in an NRI forum with NR writers, and be interviewed on an official NR podcast.

The essays should be between 1,500 and 2,000 words and respond to the following prompt:

William F. Buckley Jr. was proudly patriotic. He loved his country and believed the U.S. Constitution to be the best governing document created by man. According to a June 2023 Gallup survey, only 39% of U.S. adults are “extremely proud” to be American. What do you think is causing patriotism to decline? What antidote would you prescribe? Can one both celebrate America and its history and recognize its flaws?

Email with any questions or to submit an essay.

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