The Corner

Elvis Has Left the Cave?

The “Why haven’t we got bin Laden?” complaint seems likely to go off the boil after January 20th. Over at Time, Robert Baer asks:

When Will Obama Give Up The Bin Laden Ghost Hunt?

“Ghost”, eh? I used to announce Osama was pushing up Daisycutters on a regular basis a few years back, after which the old has-Bin would spend the next six months doing more fireside chats than FDR. But he seems to have gone silent since his 2004 recitation of Michael Moore talking-points. C’mon, you jihadist deadbeats. How hard can it be to edit him into one of those Dirt Devil commercials dancing with Fred Astaire?

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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