The Corner

Ellsworth In?

From First Read:

Rep. Brad Ellsworth’s name has been floated as one potential candidate to replace Evan Bayh in the Senate. He is considering a bid, per a statement from his office:

“Evan Bayh has served the people of Indiana with integrity and Hoosier common sense for over two decades. His time in the US Senate will be marked by his moderate approach and willingness to reach across the aisle to tackle our nation’s most pressing problems. I appreciate his service to our people and state. He will be missed.

“I heard about the news during my annual Open Door Listening Tour this morning, and I appreciate the support of those Hoosiers who have already encouraged me to run for Senator Bayh’s seat. The next step will be taking a few days to talk to my wife and to folks in Indiana about where I can best serve our state. In the meanwhile, I will continue to travel throughout the 8th District this week listening to Hoosiers about the challenges they face and their ideas for getting our economy back on track.” 

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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