The Corner

Election ’02 Flash Nc Update

Storm clouds are gathering across North Carolina as of mid-afternoon, but the predicted rain has been only a drizzle here and there. My information is that turnout looks pretty strong, albeit this can only reflect the few places where colleagues or reporters have been today. Elizabeth Dole’s campaign was brandishing the last Gallup and Zogby polls yesterday that had her up by 6 points, but then the Sunday-Monday Zogby tracker showed her lead growing to 10 points, creating exuberant GOP gossip throughout the morning. No Democratic professional I’ve talked to in the past two days believes that Erskine Bowles can pull it off. The question now in NC is control of the state legislature, which is very much up for grabs, and the outcome of a new 13th Congressional District that leans Democratic but has become unexpectedly close in the past couple of weeks.

John Hood — Hood is president of the John William Pope Foundation, a North Carolina grantmaker. His latest book is a novel, Forest Folk (Defiance Press, 2022).
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