The Corner

Election ’02 Flash Back to The Future

Glenn Reynolds (AKA Instapundit) has a good piece at TCS on the good old-fashioned paper ballot. It fits nicely with my longstanding cranky opposition to virtually all technological innovation when it comes to voting. I’m against voting by mail, voting by internet and, one day, voting by telepathy. Reynolds notes that the best thing about voting machines is that they are fast. The worst thing is that they are less efficient and accurate. And for some reason we think it’s more important that votes be counted quickly than accurately. But who says that votes need to be counted quickly? I know we in political obssesive land think we have to know everything right away, but how is democracy cheapened by waiting a day? And, I will ask again, how is democracy enriched by making it easy for people to vote who will only do it if it’s no inconvenience at all?

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