The Corner

Edwards, An Odd Kinda Southerner

This is a funny interview that a reporter from the Charlotte Observor had with John Edwards, the candidate who is supposedly going to appeal to Southerners and rural voters:

“Last week, Sen. John Edwards flew to Iowa to lay out his plan to revive rural America. He talked about growing up in tiny Robbins, N.C., where his father was a mill worker. But I wondered: How much of a country boy is Johnny Edwards today? So I turned on my tape recorder in Ottumwa, and asked the ex-trial lawyer, now senator-turned-presidential-candidate, some questions.

Q. Have you done any farming yourself?

A. No I shouldn’t say never: When I was a young kid, we’d go sometimes to pull tobacco and stuff. But I’ve never done any serious farming.

Q. Would you call yourself a NASCAR fan?

A. I would call myself somebody who’s interested in NASCAR, yeah.

Q. You don’t follow the weekly races?

A. No, but I don’t follow anything except politicking.

Q. Do you hunt?

A. I used to hunt a lot. Haven’t hunted in years.

Q. Fish?

A. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I haven’t fished in years either. Just (whispers) no time.

Q. Do you own a gun?

A. Not today. I have in the past.

I continued the interview in Washington, after “Tar Heel Thursday,” Edwards’ weekly meeting with constituents who happen to be in Our Nation’s Capital.

Q. Are you a country music fan?

A. (Laughs) I have in the past been a country music fan.

Q. You said you had a gun in the past. How long ago was that?

A. When I was growing up. I haven’t had a gun in – you mean personally? – in years. I’d have to figure out when.

Q. What kind of gun was it?

A. Get out of here (laughs).

Q. People want to know these things.

A. Yeah, I know. You want to know these things. (Laughter from his staff as Edwards departs to return to the Senate).”

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