The Corner

E-mail From an IA Rudy Guy

Hi Rich,

It’s tough in Iowa after Mitt spending literally millions of dollars here, mostly of his own money. Plus, there is a lot of apathy generally here about the caucuses at this point. “Too early,” is the general comment.

To win the Iowa caucuses, Rudy needs about 32% of the caucus goers or 33,000 people. That’s the goal. Rudy’s campaign is spending the next two weeks on raising money, and then are going to start spending money like crazy. They’ve purposely not spent hardly ANY money, ala Romney BECAUSE no one pays attention this early. Their comment is “we’re going to spend our contributors money wisely.” They ARE nervous though about Romney’s spending, although they consider it to be crazy. Romney’s been having big media buys in Iowa since FEBRUARY. No one else in their right mind would have done this.

I have nothing against Fred Thompson’s general philosophy, but boy is he low energy. Seriously.

Rudy has more energy than 10 people. I know, I’ve followed him around. He typically gets about 3 hours of sleep. And everywhere he goes, he’s like a laser beam.

My suport for Rudy is based on the decimation of the GOP in the upper midwest and the West coast. The soccer moms in Iowa who have made this now a SOLID Democratic state,

(lost the gov. 3 times in a row, the last 2 by landslides; went from 6 GOP congressmen and zero Dems to 2 GOP and 4 Dems, both houses of the legislature now in Dem hands which has never happened before), is not because soccer moms want a higher tax burden on businesses and families to be WASTED by Robert Byrd and John Murtha, RATIONALIZED (i.e. denial of service) health care, defeat and pessimism in our foreign policy…

The soccer moms view the face of the GOP not as Milton Friedman and Jack Bauer (which is what Rudy is a combination of).. The face of the GOP to soccer moms I know is JERRY FALWELL..

2000 and 2004 were razor thin and came down to one state, Florida and Ohio. How many more of these can we win?

No GOP candidate other than Rudy can compete in New Jersey, the Upper Midwest, the Northeast in general, California, Oregon and Washington. I can’t imagine Fred Thompson winning Iowa, frankly…

I’ve talked with several Democrats (in my phone bank calls) who’ve told me that they’d NEVER vote for Hillary, and who are excited and hope Rudy Giuliani gets the GOP nomination. They’ve mentioned he’s the only GOP candidate they’d ever consider voting for and “you [me] better hope he wins”…

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