The Corner

Dumb Headline

There’s a lot to chew on in this article about George Soros’ and his lefty billionaire buddies’ plan to spend more money on liberal causes. But can we start with the unbeliveable no-nothingness of the headline?

Soros group raises stakes in battle with US neo-cons

Nowhere in the article does the word neocon come up. Instead it lists the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation. I could see the point of calling AEI neoconservative (as misleading as that might be) but when you include the Heritage Foundation you basically mean “conservatives in Washington” or “conservative think tanks.” I mean what’s not “neoconservative” among establishment Washington if AEI and Heritage are collectively the “neo-cons”? Cato, the foreign policy lobe of the American Conservative and…and…uh…that’s about it.

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