The Corner

Dreaming of Ayers

Scott Johnson writes:

Now comes Chicago blogger Anne Leary to report on her airport encounter with Ayers this past Monday. In her conversation with Ayers, Leary reports, Ayers stated: “I wrote Dreams From My Father.” Allahpundit considers the possibilities with appropriate skepticism here. (Leary also provides other links of interest in her updates.)

I don’t have any idea whether Bill Ayers said to Leary what Leary reports he said, but I don’t believe anything Bill Ayers says anyway. Taking Ayers’s word at face value is a bit like trusting the paradoxical assertion of Epimenides, the Cretan philosopher who famously declared that all Cretans are liars.

If Ayers has ever displayed a sense of humor, however, I’ve missed it. But Ayers appears to have been putting Leary on. Leary’s account suggests that Ayers was being facetious. “He went on to say,” Leary reports, “–and if you can prove it, we can split the royalties.” Good point.

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