The Corner

Drafting Schoolkids

The latest shabby tactic from the Kerry (oh, sorry, ‘non-partisan’) camp is, it seems, forcing kids to get out the vote. In a totally non-partisan way, of course. Posting on this topic over at Instapundit’s place, Ann Althouse adds this:

“UPDATE: An emailer notes the resonance between the program described above and Kerry’s own plan “requiring mandatory [community] service for high school students.” The link is to the Official Kerry-Edwards Blog, which has two links that purport to take you to more information but are, in fact, dead ends. (I note, schoolmarmishly, that “requiring mandatory” is a redundancy. Stay in school and learn some grammar, kids!) Isn’t it interesting that Kerry is the one who tries to scare young people into voting for him by falsely asserting that Bush is inclined to bring back the draft, when he is the one who with a plan — “part of his 100 day plan to change America” — to compel young people into service?”

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