The Corner


Our Collective Failure of Memory

Douglas Murray explores our failure to remember the victims of the other horror of the twentieth century.

Over at there is an absolutely cracking audio documentary on the West’s failure to remember the enormities of communism. It is hosted by Douglas Murray, who should be familiar to readers here. In fact, he is on the homepage today, writing intelligently about the power dynamics at work in our sex scandals. Along the way, Douglas Murray visits the House of Terror, a haunting museum in Budapest that I also visited this month and wrote about for our next issue. Murray explores the question of why we have double standards when remembering the horrors of the twentieth century. 

By the way, I can’t recommend enough to readers of National Review. It was founded by Tim Montgomerie this year, and it tackles the big questions in our politics. Irt entirely skips over the repetitive fluff you find on too many startup media projects. Look for more there from Murray,  Henry Olsen, and Michael Burleigh. Their audio programs are really well produced. Unherd is a bold outlet that is single-handedly improving the signal to noise ratio of internet media. 

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