The Corner


Doug Burgum’s Out

Gov. Doug Burgum (R., N.D.) speaks to delegates in Grand Forks, N.D., April 7, 2018. (Dan Koeck/Reuters)

North Dakota governor Doug Burgum announced on Monday that he is suspending his 2024 Republican presidential campaign, making sure to criticize the Republican National Committee’s debate requirements for “nationalizing the primary process and taking the power of democracy away from the engaged, thoughtful citizens of Iowa and New Hampshire” on his way out. Burgum hardly registered in national and early state polls throughout his entire campaign:

I’m reminded of this incredible quote from North Dakota-based conservative political commentator Dustin Gawrylow to the New York Times back in June, shortly after Burgum announced his run: “There are a lot of legislators that outright fear what Doug Burgum will do to them,” he said. “Burgum has shown he is not afraid to put his money where his mouth is, and that is scary.”

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