The Corner

Double Cool

A reader who knows the important things:

“Once again, Derb makes an esoteric post that proves his absolute coolness. Glory Road is one of my favorite novels of all time–and part of an extremely short list of novels I have read more than once. Amazingly, I had the same reaction when I heard a movie called Glory Road was coming out. Unfortunately, no Star, no Rufo, no Oscar, and no Igli. And no Dorals inviting you to spread hero-seed among their wives and daughters.

“Such a favorite novel of mine this is, that a copy of it ended up in my teenage brother-in-law’s stocking this Christmas. Derb–that you know who the Empress of the Twenty Universes is proves, once again, how cool you are–and why I love The Corner. Now watch K-Lo ban esoteric Heinlein references.”

[Derb] No worries. They will be so esoteric to the sci-fi-challenged Kathryn that we can slip them in unnoticed, and sit chuckling quietly to ourselves as she posts them in blithe ignorance.

That, by the way, is the second time today I’ve been called cool. The first time, it was Mike Potemra, commenting on the fact that my “Straggler” column in the upcoming issue of NR is about a TV show (albeit a defunct one).

Will someone please tell my children I’m cool?

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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