The Corner


A reader draws my attention to this ominous note re The Wicker Man:

A body double was used for Britt Ekland in the seduction scene, without her knowledge. The double arrived by car as Ekland was driven away from the set after the day’s filming. The two actresses can quite clearly be seen to be different from the way they move to the scene’s music.

This would tend to confirm JPod’s view of Andrew as a man not to be entrusted with international relations. You think Iran’s agreed to disarm, you think Britt Ekland’s agreed to disrobe, but in both cases the real muscle on the project has sent in some Equity-minimum extra to twirl around the room and distract you for a bit.

(I hasten to add when I revealed my own partiality for Britt I haven’t seen her naked in anything for several decades now.)

By the way, the body-double theory of international negotiations may also explain why Colin Powell thought he had Dominique de Villepin’s support for a resolution authorizing force against Iraq and the Turkish Prime Minister’s permission to invade from the north.

Mark Steyn is an international bestselling author, a Top 41 recording artist, and a leading Canadian human-rights activist.
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