The Corner

Don’t Tell Eleanor Smeal

These self-hating little girls sure do seem to be enjoying their retro kitchen. Don’t they realize they are being socialized to submit to the patriarchy? Manufacturers would be delighted to provide toys that enjoy a huge market share by appealing to both boys and girls but such products are elusive. Studies of very young children show that when they are asked what toys are the right ones for boys and which for girls, they are unable to answer. They don’t know the gender stereotypes about trucks, dolls, or play kitchens, but they know the sex-typical toys they like themselves. Seems toy preferences predate the stereotypes that so frustrate progressive parents. As one expert in evolutionary biology I quote in my book explains, when we offer little girls toy kitchens “We are reinforcing the stereotypical obsessions that they already have, but we are not creating them.”

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