The Corner

Don’t Say You Weren’t Warned

You want to know how an illegal-alien amnesty would actually be implemented? Check out this story from today’s WaPo. It has nothing to do with immigration; instead, it’s about the intense pressure on the staff at one of the big sub-prime mortgage lenders to OK dubious home loans, many of which are now going into default. One appraiser, whose job was to weed out bad applications, had salesmen banging on her desk with baseball bats if she was thinking of turning down a loan: ” ‘you didn’t want to turn away a loan because all hell would break loose,’ she recounted in interviews. When she did, her bosses often overruled her and found another appraiser to sign off on it.”

The headline is “Pressure at Mortgage Firm Led To Mass Approval of Bad Loans” — change “mortgage firm” to “USCIS” (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services) and “loans” to “residency applications” and you have a preview of how the Bush-McCain-Kennedy amnesty would unfold.

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