The Corner

Don’t Hold Your Breath

An activist attending the annual meeting in Miami of der Nationalrat das Volk reported that Rahm Emanuel said Democrats won’t attempt another “comprehensive” amnesty push until at least the second term of the next Democratic administration. That message suggests several things. First, amnesty obviously isn’t quite as popular as its proponents claimed. Second, Emanuel is trying to lower expectations to prevent the Hispanic activists from being further disappointed and thus perhaps angered at the Democrats. And perhaps third, that since La Raza and the rest of the Axis of Amnesty aren’t going to get the whole enchilada, they need to put their shoulders to the wheel to pass the piecemeal amnesties the Democrats are proposing as a consolation prize, including the Dream Act and the AgJobs bill.

Update: Several alert readers have corrected me; the National Council of La Raza translates as “der Nationalrat des Volkes”.

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