The Corner

Don’t Bet on This Thing Getting Rolled Back Anytime Soon

I think this is an excellent point. People who talk about repealing it today make me nervous. It will take a long time to implement the impossible things the Dems want to do, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be a cakewalk to rewind things. It won’t be — even if Republicans take the House (which is definitely an if), and even if they get a majority in the Senate (which, best-case scenario, would still be a narrow majority).

I do think, however, that the political condescension the Democrats displayed in their push for all will make them suffer in November and in 2012. And they are never going to have the utopia they’re looking for. There are a lot of true-believing hard-core leftists in Washington right now, and they’re not going to be satisfied with a win, because to them, it’s a compromise already. And then their dream won’t work. And it will have to be rolled back.

Of course, health care might end up being like welfare reform: The Left might never learn and so try it again, as Obama is doing on welfare. We do have some endless cycles in politics, don’t we…

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