The Corner

Doing Something Right…

I’m getting an unusually hefty dose of hate mail from Gore worshippers because of last week’s column. These are clearly not my usual readers, so I assume I’ve been linked at some Gore or Democrat fan site. I’d ask these people where they heard about my column but people who theorize extemporaneously about by skulls fecal content and insist that my mother will burn in hell tend not to answer such queries.

Anyway, the interesting thing to me is that so much of the really nasty email seems to be from women or men who talk like old ladies. Lots of stuff about how I’m just jealous of Gore for his smarts and looks and good manners etc. A couple actually said I need to have my mouth washed-out with soap for saying such “mean” and “nasty” things about Al Gore. During the Clinton years, this sort of thing was very common and not just in my email. I was consistently amazed by the number of female C-SPAN callers who would talk about Bill Clinton as if he were their husbamd, lover or beautiful son (statistically, of course, the lover thing was theoretically possible).

We are way out into conjectural orbit here, but I think this is a symptom of the feminization of the Democratic Party and the feminization of liberalism generally. I’m not the first to say it, but liberal women increasingly see the Federal Government as a surrogate husband or father who therefor must provide security and comfort. Regardless, all of this outrage is a sign that I’m doing something right.

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