The Corner

Dodd: Warren Might Not Be Confirmable

Sen. Chris Dodd (D., Conn.) said that Elizabeth Warren, the current TARP overseer and liberal favorite to run the newly-created federal consumer protection agency, may not have the votes to get confirmed:

Elizabeth Warren may not have the votes to win confirmation as head of a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) suggested Monday.

Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, said he sensed rumblings among colleagues that Warren, the chairwoman of the panel overseeing the 2008 Wall Street bailout program, might not get the 60 votes necessary to win confirmation.

“I think Elizabeth would be a terrific nominee,” Dodd told NPR’s Diane Rehm on Monday. “The question is, ‘Is she confirmable?’ And there’s a serious question about it.”

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