The Corner

Doctors in The House?

It’s easy to make a convincing case (although I’m not altogether convinced – but that’s a separate discussion) that the extension of Medicare coverage to prescription drugs was a mistake, but for politicians to take it upon themselves to decide which medical problems are merely a matter of ‘lifestyle’ has taken the arrogance and boneheadedness of the political classes to new heights, or should that be depths.

As the New York Times reports, the House of Representatives has voted to bar Medicare and Medicaid from paying for Viagra and the like. The motive? I’ll leave it for you to work out for yourselves, but unless the spendthrifts of this Congress have finally seen the error of their extravagant ways, my best guess is that the inspiration for this is simple puritanical zeal, nothing more and nothing less.

The chief sponsor of the measure, one Rep. King of Iowa, is claiming that “we provide drugs through Medicare and Medicaid that are lifesaving drugs…”

Oh really?

If that’s the case, Congressman, sponsor legislation that makes that clear – and lets see how those of your voters taking medication for, say, fertility treatment, or, perhaps, hormone replacement therapy, or, maybe, arthritis decide how to vote on you next time they get the chance.

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