The Corner

Do They Really Love Nancy, Harry, and Howard?

Some interesting results in a new, nonscientific poll of readers of the lefty group blog DailyKos. The site asked readers whether they approve of the way Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean are doing their jobs. Pelosi fared worst: of more than 13,000 votes, just 19 percent said they approved of her performance, while 67 percent said they did not approve and 13 percent were undecided. Reid fared better, but not really well. Of about the same number of voters, 50 percent said they approved of his performance, while 32 percent said they did not, and 16 percent were undecided. Dean was the big winner. Of more than 16,000 voters, 84 percent said they approved of the DNC chairman’s performance, while nine percent said they did not and five percent were undecided.

What does it mean? From reading the comments on the site, readers seem to believe that Pelosi is simply not an aggressive and effective leader. They mostly agree with her positions but don’t believe she can win. As for Reid, his 50-percent support was, well, half-hearted. “At times he has been superb, and at others it’s like he is channeling the political ghost of Tom Daschle,” said one reader. And Dean? Well the Kossacks still love their people-powered Howard. “I am glad that Dean has enough guts to stand up for us!!” writes one.

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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