The Corner


Do ‘Campus Climate’ Surveys Tell Us Anything?

One of the tricks used by leftists is to do a “survey” that purports to find something that needs to be corrected by, of course, some new program that undermines what’s left of freedom. On college campuses, this is done by conducting a survey seeking to find racism, saying that it has been found, and then calling for more activism to combat it.

In today’s Martin Center article, Grace Hall points out a new survey of this sort by NASPA, the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. NASPA is a completely woke outfit that works to create a “co-curriculum” run by administrators wherein students are given doses of “progressive” ideology by low-level functionaries.

Hall writes:

Underlying the new report is the contemporary leftist notion that one’s race is the single most important aspect of one’s being. No longer does society define a person based on his or her merit, accomplishments, or character; instead, race reigns above all.

That sums up the leftist view on race. The report also claims to find that most students think there’s a racism problem on campus. More work must be done!

It will be a good day in America when nobody bothers with such reports any longer.

George Leef is the the director of editorial content at the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. He is the author of The Awakening of Jennifer Van Arsdale: A Political Fable for Our Time.
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