The Corner

DNC Right-Wing Cage Match

Dear KLo: 

You are onto something here when you said: “If our workspace happens to be adjacent to the Journal’s at either convention these two coming weeks, we may have to have a Pay-for-View showdown.”  You all could do one of those Wrestling “Cage Matches” I see advertised on TV.  I can see the billing:  Krusher KLo vs. Nightmare Noonan.  Grappler Goldberg vs. Mauler McGurn.  And finally:  Deadly Derb vs. Fierce Frank.  The possibilities are endless here for some NRO revenue enhancement.

I don’t know about Jonah, but I think I speak for Peggy and Bill and myself when I say, “nah.”  Lowry and Gigot and Moore and Ponnuru and Riley and Krikorian can have a ball though.  

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