The Corner

Dnc: Republicans Will “Do Anything”

The DNC was using Tom DeLay’s indictment for a fundraising e-mail before 5 PM yesterday: “The indictment is another stark reminder that Republicans have a lucrative money-for-influence machine that will do anything — including breaking the law — to funnel corporate and special interest money into their party in huge amounts. People ask what the difference is between the two parties, and this indictment gives one clear answer.”

And: “Republicans are committed to pushing the legal limits to collect checks from special interests who want to use government for their own narrow purposes. Democrats are committed to funding our party with contributions from ordinary Americans so that when we take power, the government will represent the people…We will never compete with the money Republicans like DeLay can collect through conspiracy and corruption.”

Did these people completely forget the DNC raising money from Chinese nationals? And having Chinese arms dealers attend White House coffees?

Tim GrahamTim Graham is Director of Media Analysis at the Media Research Center, where he began in 1989, and has served there with the exception of 2001 and 2002, when served ...
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