The Corner

Dissident Derb

“Mr. Derbyshire a) blames the administration for not being serious about

nuclear proliferation, b) expects a pullout from Iraq and a civil war, c) is

happy Michael Jackson has been acquitted and d) supports euthenasia.”

Er, yup. As opposed to:

(a) Is fine with North Korea having a bagful of nukes and Iran just about to

get same, after four and a half years of this administration sternly

declaring that neither thing will happen.

(b) Expects a major US presence in Iraq indefinitely **or** a pullout soon,

followed by Shias, Sunnis and Kurds all dancing arm in arm round maypoles.

(c) Would like to see California prosecutors give more attention to thieves,

rapists, and murderers, and less to harmless freaks.

(d) Believes in the Golden Rule, and most certainly would NOT wish, either

for myself or a loved one, either to be kept in a vegetative state for 15

years, or, when it was finally determined that I could be allowed to die, be

slowly dehydrated to death.

The preference for action over empty words; a skepticism about the

possibilities for multicultural harmony in Third World nations; a desire to

spend limited law-enforcement resources on crimes that actually harm people

and their property; and a fondness for the Golden Rule; these seem to me to

be pretty solidly conservative principles.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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