The Corner


Did Biden Learn Anything from Covid?

President Joe Biden shakes hands with a person as he and First Lady Jill Biden visit a Waffle House in Marietta, Ga., to pick up an order after participating in the presidential debate in Atlanta, June 28, 2024. (Elizabeth Frantz/Reuters)

For more than a week now, President Biden and his allies have tested various excuses for his disastrous debate performance. In his interview with George Stephanopoulos, Biden leaned heavily on one of the first excuses, which is that he had a cold.

Here is how Biden described it:

 I was sick. I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me. I asked if they did a COVID test because they’re trying to figure out what was wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus. I didn’t. I just had a really bad cold.

If there was one lesson during the Covid era, it was that people who are symptomatic should not be around other people, because when in close contact, they could get others sick.

And yet Biden was filmed after the debate in close quarters with people at the Waffle House, talking and spewing droplets and shaking hands.

If he had such a bad cold that it rendered him unable to finish a thought or complete a coherent sentence, maybe he should have been social distancing?

Of course, there is another alternative — which is that Biden is completely full of it.

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