The Corner

Derb Did Dc

Great panel discussion at the IWF with David

Brooks, <a href="

-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-4689874-1153740?v=glance&s=books”>Christina Hoff Sommers & Michael Dirda. SRO crowd, good addresses, lively discussion, fun dinner afterwards. Many thanks to IWF for inviting me. Will be on C-Span, shall post a notice when I know date & time.

Back on the early train just in time for the guy from the cable company, to

help him reroute all my household cables. Almost as if I were building a

new home office in my attic. Which of course I am not. No! No way! Not

without going through proper inspections, paperwork, assessments, etc. etc.

Certainly not.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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