The Corner


I got the following from the editors of American Federalist Journal:

Mr. Derbyshire—Deport 12 million illegals? We already are, over time:

In 2004, in summary:

* DHS apprehended an estimated 1,241,089 foreign

nationals. Ninety-two percent were natives of Mexico.

* There were 58,727 investigations initiated and

46,656 closed for immigration related activities

including crime, compliance enforcement, work site

enforcement, identity and benefit fraud, alien

smuggling, and counter terrorism.

* ICE detained approximately 235,247 foreign nationals

for a minimum of 24 hours.

* There were 202,842 foreign nationals formally

removed from the United States. The leading countries

of origin of formal removals were Mexico (73 percent),

Guatemala (4.1 percent) and Honduras (4.0 percent).

More than 1,035,000 other foreign nationals accepted

an offer of voluntary departure.

* Expedited removals accounted for 41,752 or 21

per-cent of all formal removals.

* DHS removed 88,897 criminal aliens from the United

States. The majority of criminal aliens (68,771 or 77

percent) were from Mexico.

At that rate, 12 million people would be removed in a

decade. Hardly “nuts”. The key of course is stopping

the inflow.

John Derbyshire — Mr. Derbyshire is a former contributing editor of National Review.
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