The Corner

Democrats Pushing for Four Day Work Week for Federal Bureaucrats

Their justification? High gas prices:

The high cost of fuel makes the four-day week all the more important, [Majority Leader Steny] Hoyer’s letter said. “In these times of high gasoline prices, I believe the federal government should do all it can to ensure that federal agencies and departments are appropriately reducing gasoline consumption. This goal can be accomplished with the adoption of personnel policies to limit unnecessary commuting.” 

So Pelosi shuts the place down and Congress skips town without passing an energy bill. Now Democrats are pushing for a four day work week for gas relief for federal employees, even as they’ve refused to do anything to provide relief for ordinary Americans. Republicans are hitting back — Republican Study Group Chairman Jeb Hensarling issued the following statement:

The Democrat solution to high gas prices – a four day work week for themselves and federal bureaucrats.  Brilliant! While the Speaker of the House is off jet setting to promote her book, the Majority Leader is figuring out how to get more time off.  Americans struggling to pay their bills and fill their gas tanks deserve so much better from their elected officials.

People across the country are begging for Congress to work on a common sense energy plan that will lower costs at the pump.  For months, we’ve made clear that we need conservation, but not just conservation. We need renewable energy, but not just renewable. We need alternatives, but not just alternatives. We need to produce energy in America for Americans so we can drive down the cost of gas and increase our energy independence. Though Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Hoyer continue to block our efforts, Republicans will keep fighting for a comprehensive, common sense energy plan that includes all of those goals.   

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