The Corner

Dem Rep: Gun Control Will Stop Future Terrorist Attacks

Representative Carolyn Maloney (D., N.Y.) told MSNBC earlier today that gun-control legislation can prevent terrorist attacks like the one that occurred in Boston two weeks ago. 

“One thing that Congress can do right now is pass the gun-safety laws,” she said. “As it stands right now, the next Tamerlan [Tsarnaev] can go to a gun show and buy all the guns he wants, all the weapons he wants, no problem, no questions asked. I think at the very least Congress should pass sensible gun-safety laws that law enforcement is asking for.

There have been conflicting reports about the type of guns the Tsarnaev brothers used as they terrorized Boston. The latest report from ABC News indicates that only one gun, a semi-automatic pistol with the serial number scratched off, has been recovered. Authorities have determined they obtained that gun illegally. 

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