The Corner

Declining Dems

So after all the attacks on the president’s efforts to hunt terrorists,

the Democrats’ poll numbers are down. Unsurprising. This is no passing

thing either. The Democrats will never shake this image of weakness. It’s

set in stone, and for exactly the right reason: the Democrats really are

weak on national security issues. Everyone knows that the party’s base is

pacifist. They want the war on terror to just disappear so that attention

will turn back to domestic issues. Ironically, had the Democrats embraced

Lieberman’s policies, we would probably be focused on domestic issues right

now. Consensus on foreign policy would force politics back to the areas

where the Democrats believe they are strong. It’s the smartest strategy

for the Dems, but they can’t pull it off because their base really is

caught up in the Vietnam syndrome.

I think this will probably kill the chances of Hillary–or any other

Democratic presidential nominee. But let’s say that a Democrat really does

become the next president. At that point, I think we’d have to expect a

serious split in the party over security issues, and/or the rise of a

Nader-like Green party. Remember, it was Clinton’s presidency that kicked

off Nader’s challenge. Any Democratic president capable of sustaining a

tough terror policy (and politics will demand that) is going to push the

left side of the party into opposition. Triangulation was a lot easier

back when there was little at stake beyond minor domestic

initiatives. Triangulation on national security policy in an environment

this polarized will very possibly split the Democrats. Again, this problem

will probably prevent a Democrat from even being elected president. But

even if a Democrat wins, the party’s difficulties will have just begun.

There are arguments against this scenario. If president Bush has already

reduced troop strength in Iraq by 2008, and if there are few other serious

security problems on the horizon, then a Democratic president might not be

forced to make polarizing choices on security policy. And tough policies

authored by a Democratic president will rouse less opposition from the left

than the same policies would if they came from a Republican. Still, given

the intensity of Dean-wing pacifism and the likelihood of polarizing

security policy choices, the ability of any Democratic president to hold

his party together is now in doubt.

Stanley Kurtz is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
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