The Corner

Death of Italy. Not.

I pointed out the new edict according to which Italian media are no longer permitted to talk about people’s private lives–with particular emphasis on their “sexual spheres”–and for the most part the newspapers are grumbling, but not openly challenging it.  I’m delighted to find that my favorite paper, “il Foglio,” carries a note from the editor, Giuliano Ferrara, announcing that there is now a (short) section of the paper (which is only 4 pages to begin with) for “the erotic privacy of our community.”  He adds that the first contribution is his own “violation of my ‘sexual sphere’,”  and calls on his readers to contribute happily.  “Be brief.  No maniacs.”   YES!!

Caro Boncompagni, per difendere Maurizio Belpietro dalla ridicola Inquisizione dell’Ordine, da oggi metto a disposizione una breve rubrica di privacy erotica della nostra comunitа. La prima и in pagina due ed и doverosamente la violazione della mia “sfera sessuale”. Contribuite allegramente. Siate brevi. No maniaci.

Michael LedeenMichael Ledeen is an American historian, philosopher, foreign-policy analyst, and writer. He is a former consultant to the National Security Council, the Department of State, and the Department of Defense. ...
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