The Corner

The Day in History

Today is the anniversary of the 1928 signing of the Kellogg-Briand Pact,

which outlawed war. The Pact, produced by American Secretary of State Frank

B. Kellogg and French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand was eventually

ratified by sixty-two nations, almost every sovereign in the world at the

time. It passed the U.S. Senate with only a single negative vote. The Pact

had, arguably, one success, in defusing a 1929 Soviet-Chinese dispute over a

railroad in Manchuria. The other effect of the Pact was to encourage

countries engaged in international aggression not to issue a formal

declaration of war. Thus, there was no declaration of war for Japan’s 1931

invasion of Manchuria, Italy’s 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, and Germany’s 1938

threatened invasion of Austria (which eventually took place peacefully,

thanks to the cowardice of the Austrian government and the democracies).

Kellogg was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize (Briand had already won one),

putting him and Briand in the ranks of Prize winners such as Yasser Arafat,

Jimmy Carter, Kofi Annan, Rigoberta Menchu, Le Duc Tho (North Vietnamese

foreign minister), and others whose public careers ended up helping to cause

war and violence.

The Pact helped produce World War II, by making it appear that it was

immoral or illegal to take decisive military action against Hitler when he

was still weak, in the mid-1930s. All 15 of the original signatory nations

ended up fighting in World War II. Notably, the Pact was produced under the

administration of Calvin Coolidge, which shows that even conservatives can

delude themselves with Wilsonian illusions about the power of international

agreements. Technically, the Pact is still in force, a permanent reminder of

folly of all who believe that pieces of paper, rather than powerful armies,

will deter the aggression of dictatorships.

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