The Corner


The Nation’s David Corn seems to have figured out that it is not Republicans who are pushing the “list” of supposedly gay GOP lawmakers and staff.  Rather, Corn has realized that the “list” is instead being distributed by “gay politicos” who are sending it to social conservative groups like Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council:

What’s the point? The senders–gay people of a non-Republican bent–seem to be hoping to set off a civil war within the GOP, to turn the anti-gay social cons against the GOP’s Velvet Mafia. These Washington gays have been seething for years about gay Republican staffers who serve a party that opposes gay rights and that welcomes the support of people who demonize or dehumanize gays and lesbians. “Maybe now the social conservatives will realize one reason why their agenda is stalled on Capitol Hill,” says a gay politico. Another says, “The inherent inconsistency of a coalition that shelters both gay loathing ‘Christian’ conservatives and conservative gays will soon suffer its final rupture.”

Byron York is a former White House correspondent for National Review.
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