The Corner


Danger of Resigned Apathy in Planned Parenthood Ugliness

I have seen national outrage like we see now over the Planned Parenthood ugliness, cool quickly into resigned apathy.

Elsewhere, I recount some examples, including Terri Schiavo and intentional dehydration of the cognitively disabled, Jack Kevorkian’s assisted suicide campaign and desire to engage in human vivisection–the New York Times actually editorialized against him back in the day–and the current euthanasia horrors out of Belgium and the Netherlands, which finds the mentally ill being killed by doctors. From my piece, “Dangerous Apathy:” 

It is all too familiar: When harsh truths about medicalized killing—whether of the unborn, the mentally ill, or the suicidal—first come to light, people are shocked, and calls for reform ring out. But indignation soon cools into resigned apathy.

Will the same moral enervation sap public outrage at Planned Parenthood’s offer of less crunchy abortions to facilitate organ harvesting? Have Americans’ moral sensibilities really been so dulled by relativism that we no longer know a barbaric act when we see one?

The usual suspects are working overtime to make the “cooling off” happen. If this country is to retain any righteousness, that must not be allowed to happen.

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