The Corner

Dallas Stars and Stripes

Texans gather outside President George W. Bush’s home:

Flag-waving supporters left flowers and patriotic red, white and blue balloons outside the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush Monday in the hours that followed the U.S.-led mission that killed Osama bin Laden.

“Thank you President Bush,” said a sign left on the gate outside the street leading to the secluded Bush residence.

About a dozen people gathered near his security-tight residence until a thunderstorm rolled into the area early Monday.

“George Bush did so many great things for our country. We really wanted to be with him to celebrate this momentous day in American history,” Billy Fox, a college student, told WFAA-TV.

“We love America,” said Fox, who held a U.S. flag. “This hangs in my dorm room every day, it’s my roommate’s, and I said we had to bring it out to celebrate America.”

Robert Costa was formerly the Washington editor for National Review.
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